We, at St. Xavier’s believe in the law of love that is written in the human heart which is universal and binding on all. Yet, we thought it is important to give certain guidelines given the weak human nature.
1. The age of admission shall be decided as per the directives issued from time to time by the Department of Education of the State of Maharashtra.
2. Students seeking admission will be subjected to an entrance examination in English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science and General Aptitudes.
3. Admission shall be granted based on the availability of seats on a first applied first served basis. Admission shall be confirmed after the submission of the LC and other required documents and on the payment of the fee.
4. Parents, guardians cannot dictate to the management and that the management has a right to say on what condition they will admit or reject pupils in their school. The Principal reserves the right to refuse any application without having to assign reasons for his action [SS Code
(1979) Rule 56]
5. A month’s notice, signed by the parent or guardian, is required for withdrawal of pupil from the school. If students leave in the middle of a term, they will have to pay fees for the whole term. Attendance:
6. Regular attendance is expected of all. Prior permission for leave of absence must be obtained from the principal / coordinator. If the student remains absent for a long period due to unforeseeable causes, a leave note must be submitted to the principal for approval, with suitable supporting documents on the day of rejoining.
7. Students shall not leave the campus during school hours without permission of the Principal.
8. In case of emergency, sickness, or injury while playing in the school, the child will be allowed to go home only with his parents / approved guardian.
9. Strict regularity, obedience, politeness and courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and person are expected from each student.
10. On school days and for school functions, students must wear neatly ironed school uniform, belt, black shoes and prescribed socks. The shirt should be tucked inside the trousers. For winter, the sweater shall be of deep blue
11. All must take care of the school property, chairs, desks, glass-panes, computers etc. Those who damage or destroy anything will be fined heavily.
12. Each one must look after his own belongings. Caps, umbrellas, tiffin carriers and all the books must be marked with the name and class of the owners. School shall not be responsible for the loss of any money or valuables in the campus.
13. All the students must speak in English all the times except during Marathi and Hindi classes.
14. All must talk to one another with respect. Abusive language, physical fight, disturbance in the class or unruly behaviour in the campus will lead to disciplinary action.
15. Students shall not bring motor bikes or cars to the school. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited.
16. This school diary is an important document. If you lose it, you shall pay a fine of Rs. 150/- for a duplicat
Exams and Results:
17. As per the rules and directives of the CBSE Board, six tests are held during the year and reports are given.Students shall take signature of the parent on the reportand show to the teachers within three days.
18. Besides these, there will be a fortnightly class test in order to assess the student’s progress in reading,comprehension, composition, mathematical skills, scientific temper and other related learning areas. These exams will be part of the internal assessment and grading.
19. A student, who takes or gives dishonest help at an examination will be debarred from the rest of the examination and will get a zero. A student may be dismissed in a serious case of cheating or if caught cheating more than once.
20. Astudent who has not paid all his fees may be debarred from any examination. A student who is absent or sick, will be promoted or detained according to the year’s progress. There will not be a re-examination.
21. Only in very exceptional cases applications for the verification of marks may be accepted by the Principal.
22. Promotion to the next class is strictly done as per the guidelines of the department of education. Yet, students who do not show progress, even after remedial help and a re-exam, will be counselled to look for remedial help outside the school. Those who do not show progress will be
guided to seek admission, elsewhere, where the child would benefit better
Guidelines for Parents:
Education is a collaborative endeavour of the school, parents and the society. The parents have equal responsibility for the education and character formation of the student as the school. Hence,
23. We advise you to reach the child on safe mode of conveyance to the school on time. Those who come late will be given late remark. Disciplinary actions will be taken on repeated latecomers.
24. Please send the child with clean and neat uniform and with clean shoes and school bags. The external appearance of the child boosts his/her self-confidence. All students must have at least two sets of uniform, black shoes and one set of sports uniform and sports shoes.
25. Please make sure that the child has breakfast before coming to the school. Make sure that the child comes to school with lunch, water and the required books and stationery.
26. Please make the child study regularly at home, from 2 to 6 hours, depending on the standard in which he/she is in. Engaging private tutors for your children may prove injurious to solid work and progress in studies. Parents shall take prior permission from the principal before registering for private tuition.
27. Please check the school diary regularly for communication from the teacher or the principal. Three negative remarks by teachers, for bad behaviour of the student, will require the parents to meet the coordinator for guidance. After each three remarks, the Principal will add a
remark. Three remarks from the Principal for bad behaviour will result in suspension of the student for a fixed number of days. Student with repeated delinquent behaviour shall be advised to leave the school without any justification. The Principal shall have the final say in this
matter. Ref: Secondary School Code (1979) Rule 56
28. If there are any complaints, give it in writing directly to the principal, with the name, class and division of the student. Parents, guardians and others may not see the students or interview their teachers during school hours without the written permission of the Principal.
29. For the sake of the safety of the children no private cars and other vehicles are allowed inside the school premises before, during and after school.
30. Notify the school immediately in case of change of address.